

The Critical Stack UI depends on the following components, which are deployed:

In addition, existing services within the cluster are utilized when available:

Kubernetes API

All interactions with the Kubernetes API (creating and modifying resources, for example) are performed by the UI deployment's Service Account on behalf of the acting user. The service account impersonates the user (and any groups they may belong to) in order to properly scope the permissions (see RBAC below) of the user's session.

Note: because the UI is able to be used for cluster management (by a user with the appropriate role), the service account in use has elevated permissions - by default a binding to the ClusterRole cluster-admin. As with any privileged tool, this means that appropriate care should be taken when deploying and exposing the UI.

Most requests to the Kubernetes API server are proxied through a generic /resources endpoint which will apply the appropriate impersonation information, validate inputs, and format the output for use by the frontend client.

In order to provide streaming logs, resource watches, and container shells, the UI server also proxies WebSocket connections. If you are experiencing issues with these features, there may be a problem establishing the websocket connection (commonly a load balancer is not configured appropriately) - see the FAQ for more info.


Because all user-initiated interactions with the Kubernetes cluster utilize impersonation (see above), authorization for requests is effectively delegated to the Kubernetes API server. This has several benefits:

  • Permissions will always be consistent between the UI and direct interaction (i.e. kubectl)
  • User abilities can be controlled via declarative resources (Roles and RoleBindings) fully compatible with the Kubertentes ecosystem
  • The surface area for vulnerabilities to be created/exploited is substantially smaller

The core Kubernetes RBAC model refers to users "lazily", only as the subjects of bindings. These users do not (necessarily) correspond to any sort of existing resource, it is up to the authentication service (in this case, Dex) to declare and keep track of these entities (the same is true of Groups).

The Critical Stack UI introduces a Custom Resource Definition for a cluster-level User resource to the Kubernetes API:

$ kubectl get users
NAME                                                              EMAIL                   ACTIVE   USERNAME                  AGE
sy3e5vknpktgkezpehh3rv76v5helr6vgnrm26feoz67stsosg6ef4jbdb2uegk   true     "Cluster Administrator"   2d22h

These users correspond with subjects in rolebindings by their associated email address. Note that the resource name is obtained as a hash of the user's email in order to meet naming requirements. This ensures that only one user may exist in the cluster with a given email address.

The above user may be granted a role by creating the following RoleBinding:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: my-admin-role-binding
  namespace: default
  kind: Role
  name: my-role
- kind: User
  name: ""

Users have groups, at a minimum system:authenticated with others returned by Dex depending on SSO provider. The groups correspond with Groups in bindings:

# ...
- kind: Group
  name: "frontend-admins"

See user management for more information about the use of User resources.


Dex is an authentication "portal" which uses connectors to integrate with a variety of upstream identity providers.

By configuring the Kubernetes API server to use Dex as an OIDC provider, your cluster can be setup to trust the tokens Dex issues to authenticated users. The CS UI provides a convenient method for retrieving a token from Dex and downloading it in a kubeconfig:

downloading a kubeconfig

In the configuration deployed by the UI helm chart the UI server acts as a proxy for all traffic to Dex - requests to the cs-ui service with paths beginning /dex/ are proxied to the cs-ui-dex Kubernetes service. This serves several purposes:

  • The Dex service does not need to be directly exposed to external traffic
  • The Kubernetes API Server uses the UI endpoint as its OIDC issuer, which is assumed to already have a trusted SSL certificate for end-users
  • CS UI acts as a builtin authproxy connector for Dex, allowing non-SSO ("local") users to generate Dex tokens

Note: by default, Dex serves traffic over HTTP. If HTTPS communication between the UI deployment and Dex service is desired, additional configuration is required.


Deploy the included Helm chart to your Kubernetes cluster:

helm upgrade --install cs ./chart \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace critical-stack

Don't have a cluster handy? Check out cinder πŸ”₯!

The default chart installation depends on Cert Manager being installed to generate certificates. If you'd rather skip this, pass --set tls.enabled=false to Helm.

Visit the UI service endpoint:

$ kubectl get service -n critical-stack cs-ui
cs-ui   NodePort   <none>        8000:30000/TCP   12s

Developing Locally

Skip to the tl;dr?

The Critical Stack UI is best developed with cinder and tilt:

git clone

Note: If you clone the repo into a directory within $GOPATH, make sure that you have $GO111MODULE set to on.


  1. Go 1.14+: to build server code
  2. NodeJS and NPM: to build client code
  3. Docker: for local testing and to build container images
  4. kubectl: for local testing; see the installation guide
  5. Helm 3: see the installation guide


Run the following to install cinder and setup a local development cluster:

make cinder

The required version of cinder will be installed to hack/tools/bin/cinder.

Note: if you would like to provide a different binary, you may set the CINDER variable when calling make:

CINDER=/usr/local/bin/cinder make cinder

The configuration file used by make cinder is hack/cinder.yaml, and the created cluster will be named ui-dev.

Cinder is deployed with the LocalRegistry feature gate enabled, allowing rapid iteration when building container images locally.

In addition, machine-api and machine-api-provider-docker are installed, allowing you to deploy additional worker nodes to your local cluster as Docker containers.

Get Tilt(ed)

curl -fsSL | bash

Note: this will not run on older versions of tilt, make sure to have >= v0.15.0.

Now you're ready to run:

tilt up

Log In

Once Tilt has finished installing resources, you can log in to the UI. By default, the Kubernetes Service attached to the UI deployment listens on nodePort: 30000, meaning it is accessible at http://$(cinder get ip --name ui-dev):30000.

For convenience, cinder is configured with:

- listenAddress:
  hostPort: 8000
  containerPort: 30000
  protocol: TCP

So that you can reach the UI by pointing your browser at http://localhost:8000.

The chart values do not specify a default user, but the Tiltfile does for the purpose of local development. The email address is, and the initial password is admin. See configuration for more detail on changing initial credentials.


It really wasn't that much, but ok.

First time setup:

# install helm
curl | bash
# install tilt
curl -fsSL | bash

Setup your local cluster & start tilt

make cinder
tilt up

Click http://localhost:8000. Log in with email and password admin.


  • configuring chart for deployment
  • configuring local setup with tilt
  • initial users (link to user management)
  • initial sso connectors (link)
  • initial rbac


User Management

As mentioned in the design docs, the Critical Stack UI introduces the User resource to represent application users.


Users contain identifying information and some basic metadata:

kind: User
  # unique hash of email address
  name: sy3e5vknpktgkezpehh3rv76v5helr6vgnrm26feoz67stsosg6ef4jbdb2uegk
type: local
active: true
defaultNamespace: critical-stack
username: Cluster Administrator

There are two flavors of user, determined by their type field:

  • local users are created manually and log in with an email and password
  • sso users are created "lazily" on first log in (see SSO) and do not have a password

When Dex authenticates an SSO user (creating the User resource if necessary), it attaches group information obtained from the identity provider. These groups are used for matching role binding subjects when determining user permissions.

Local user passwords are salted and hashed, stored as Secret resources in the critical-stack namespace. Users are given role bindings that allow them to get and modify their own properties for the purpose of changing profile data.


There are multiple ways to create a user. A local user may be created through the UI via the "Manage Users" screen, under "Settings". During the creation process, an administrator can choose to assign a ClusterRole as a convenient way to provide immediate access to the user. If a specific namespace is chosen, the ClusterRole is granted via a RoleBinding in that namespace - otherwise "Cluster Wide" must be checked to indicate that a ClusterRoleBinding will be created.

user creation roles

Any cluster roles with the label will show up as options in this list, giving you a way to add additional "canned" roles to the user creation process. The description is pulled from an annotation named

Once created, all users and any corresponding (cluster) roles and bindings maybe found under "Cluster" > "Access Control".

user creation

The User Custom Resource should not typically be created directly - instead, create a UserRequest which will be reconciled by the users controller (part of the UI deployment).

A simple UserRequest resource might look like:

kind: UserRequest
  # human-readable name
  name: admin
    type: local
    active: true
    defaultNamespace: critical-stack
    username: Cluster Administrator

The UserRequest's .spec.template field will become the properties of the created User object.

One key difference is that the name of the resource need not be a deterministic value derived from the email address. This makes it possible to create resources directly without access to the hashing function used (i.e. from within Helm templates).

In the above example the created user does not have a password set, meaning they will be unable to log in. The UserRequest provides a couple of methods for setting an initial user password:

  • For simple cases like local development, an initial password can be set on the user request itself:
# ...
    value: Winter20
  template: # ...

Note: that this will generate hashed password data from the provided plaintext password on initial user creation. The password text remains in the UserRequest resource, but updating it will not change the created user's password.

Another method is to reference a secret, rather than embedding a plaintext password directly:

# ...
      name: my-initial-password
      namespace: default
      key: ""        # field to read from secret data - if omitted, use the first
      consume: false # if true, remove the secret after generating password data
  template: # ...

The key and consume fields are optional to provide additional flexibility.

A user created via the UI or UserRequest CRD has a default ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding created for them, allowing get, update, and patch actions on their UserRequest resource, as well as get on their User.

To disable this behavior, set .spec.skipUserBindings to true.

Note: all resources created by the UserRequest controller are owned by the UserRequest object - when deleted, the User, password data Secret, and any created RBAC resources will be deleted.


The UserRequest resource has a status subresource which indicates whether the corresponding User has been created by the controller. The .status.user field is the name of the created user resource, while .status.conditions signals if the User is ready. This allows for a process to depend on user creation:

kubectl wait userrequests admin --for condition=Ready

This functionality is used by our automated tests to ensure that a user is available before attempting to log in.

User Fields

The active property indicates whether a user can log in or not, and can be toggled from the user-management screen in the UI:

toggle user active

Users have a default namespace, which will be their "landing page" upon login. From the "Settings" area of the UI, a user can change their default namespace, as well as upload an avatar or reset their password.


See RBAC for an overview of the permission model used throughout the UI.

The access summary screen ("Cluster" > "Access Control" > "Access") displays an overview of User and Group subjects that have bound roles and cluster roles:

access summary

Known users and groups will be listed here. By right-clicking a subject, you can quickly add additional role bindings and cluster role bindings for that subject.

Role Bindings and Cluster Role Bindings

When creating a role binding or a cluster role binding, note that you are not limited to subjects that show up in the selection dropdown - typing a name will allow you to create a new subject:

subject naming

Roles and Cluster Roles

When creating roles and cluster roles, note that you are not limited to the API groups, Resources, and Verbs that show up in their respective selection dropdowns - typing in a new value will allow you to create a new group, resource, or verb.

new values

Also note that when creating a new role, you can either start with selecting an API group and then the resources or by selecting a resource first and then the API group.

create rules

Initial Roles

Initial role bindings will be created on installation depending on the values passed to the UI Helm chart. See configuration for more information.


The Critical Stack Marketplace provides a repository of "building blocks" for application developers. It allows for easy access to premade kubernetes resources. The marketplace can be populated by adding sources, or by individually adding applications.


A marketplace application is a packaged "component" (a Helm chart wrapped in additional metadata) in the cluster's marketplace catalog. They are versioned, and can be installed by a user into a cluster namespace. Applications can be added individually or by adding a source. When a source is added, all applications under that source will be added to the marketplace when reconciled by the source controller (part of the UI marketplace deployment).

Marketplace Source Configuration

A source is any Helm repo that supplies metadata and assets (aka Helm charts) for one or more applications. Sources may be added to a cluster by a cluster administrator. This may be done via the UI or via the CRD.

Source Configuration via UI

A source may be added and configured through the UI via the "Sources" screen, under "Settings". When adding a source to the cluster, a unique name and the source URL are required. Optionally, the UI also provides the ability to configure a username and password for the sources that require it.

source configuration

Source Configuration via CRD

A Source Custom Resource can be created to directly add a marketplace source to the cluster.

A simple Source resource may look like:

kind: Source
  name: sample-source
    created-by: dev-criticalstack-com
  url: ''

Marketplace Application Configuration

Applications with schema configurations (adding schema configurations) will need to have their configuration form completed and saved before being able to install the application.

If an application has schema configurations, the schema configuration form can be found under the application detail page. The application detail page may be accessed by selecting "Learn More" on the application tile cards. From this page, there are two methods for accessing the configuration form:

  • directly selecting the "Configuration" tab
  • clicking "Configure App" in the application card on the right side of the page

app configuration

Marketplace Application Preview

By default, application previews are enabled and can be seen after clicking "Preview & Install App". Application previews can be disabled by toggling off "Include dry run". The application preview will show the resources the application will be deploy into the cluster without actually deploying the resources. The preview will also show the anticipated status of the resource and how deploying the resource will impact any existing resource limits and quotas. After seeing the preview, the user can choose whether or not to confirm the installation.


Marketplace Application Releases

An application may be installed multiple times. Each installation creates a new application release. All the installations (aka releases) for an application may be found in that application's app detail page under the "Installations" tab. Application releases may also be found under Data Center > Workloads > App Releases. This page will show all applications releases including the Helm chart installations that were not installed via marketplace.

Advance Configurations

Enabling/Disabling Marketplace

When enabled, the marketplace may be found on the top navbar in the UI. Marketplace is enabled when one or more sources or applications exists on the cluster. When all sources and applications are removed from the cluster, marketplace will be disabled and it will be removed from the UI.

Source Sync

The sync status of a source can be seen in the Marketplace Sources table under "Settings".

source sync

The interval for when a source will try to sync can be edited by modifying the updateFrequency value in the Source resource. By default, this value is empty so the source will not update.

# ...
  updateFrequency: 100ms
  # ...

A source can also be explicitly configured to not sync by setting the skipSync flag to true in the Source resource.

# ...
  skipSync: true
  # ...

Adding Applications Directly

Applications may be added directly by creating and applying an Application Custom Resource.

A simple Application resource may look like:

appName: sample
kind: Application
  labels: sample demo
  name: demo.sample
- apiVersion: v1
  appVersion: 1.17.10
  description: Chart for the sample resource
  icon: # URL for the icon
  keywords: # ...
  maintainers: # email and name of this chart's maintainers
  removed: false
  sources: # optional URL to the source code of this chart
  urls: # URL to where this chart is stored
  version: 5.4.1
# ...

Application resources that are without a marketplace source can remove the source label:

Editing Applications

After being added to marketplace, applications can be edited under their application detail page by selecting the "Edit" icon in the application card.

app edit

An application can be edited through the UI by selecting "Simple" edit. The user will first have to select a version of the application to edit before continuing. The user will be able to edit the application details (i.e. name, icon, application tags), documents, and configuration form.

Additional documents may be added in the "Edit Documents" section and will appear as additional pages in the application navigation tabs. Existing documents, except, may also be removed from the application and subsequently from the navigation tabs.

Additional schema may also be added for configuration in the "Edit Configuration Form" section. A preview of the configuration form is shown to display how the form will look and to check for any validations. The user may also decide to exclude the schema - this will only remove the schema that the user may have added or changed and will revert the schema configuration form to the default one.

App Categories

Categories can be added to application to allow for marketplace to filter by category. They can be added via the UI under the application detail page by clicking the "Edit" icon in the application card and then selecting "Categories". Categories may also be applied by directly adding the respective labels to the application metadata. The category name will be part of the label key that maps to an empty value:

labels: '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Resource utilization metrics

The CS UI can display resource utilization metrics if a correctly configured Prometheus instance exists in the cluster.

The following examples show how to set up a either a standalone Prometheus, or a managed instance with Prometheus Operator.

Standalone Prometheus

A standalone Prometheus can be deployed using the official Helm chart and this sample values.yaml

Operated Prometheus

If a properly configured Prometheus Operator is running in the cluster already, a suitable instance can be deployed via CRD in the CS UI namespace with this configuration:

kind: Prometheus
  name: prometheus
    - effect: NoSchedule
      operator: "Exists"
    - effect: NoSchedule
      operator: "Exists"
  - job_name: kubernetes-service-endpoints
    - role: endpoints
    - action: keep
      regex: true
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
    - action: replace
      regex: (https?)
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
      target_label: __scheme__
    - action: replace
      regex: (.+)
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path
      target_label: __metrics_path__
    - action: replace
      regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
      replacement: $1:$2
      - __address__
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
      target_label: __address__
    - action: labelmap
      regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
    - action: replace
      - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
      target_label: kubernetes_namespace
    - action: replace
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
      target_label: kubernetes_name
    - action: replace
      - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
      target_label: kubernetes_node
  - job_name: kubernetes-services
    - role: service
    metrics_path: /probe
      - http_2xx
    - action: keep
      regex: true
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe
    - source_labels:
      - __address__
      target_label: __param_target
    - replacement: blackbox
      target_label: __address__
    - source_labels:
      - __param_target
      target_label: instance
    - action: labelmap
      regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
    - source_labels:
      - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
      target_label: kubernetes_namespace
    - source_labels:
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
      target_label: kubernetes_name
  - job_name: kubernetes-pods
    - role: pod
    - action: keep
      regex: true
      - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
    - action: replace
      regex: (.+)
      - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
      target_label: __metrics_path__
    - action: replace
      regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
      replacement: $1:$2
      - __address__
      - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
      target_label: __address__
    - action: labelmap
      regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
    - action: replace
      - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
      target_label: kubernetes_namespace
    - action: replace
      - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
      target_label: kubernetes_pod_name

A full sample Prometheus Operator values.yaml is available here.. Note the relabeling configs.

Configure CS UI

To finish setting up resource metrics in the UI, set the Prometheus endpoint in the CS UI Helm values.yaml and deploy. The default value is http://prometheus-server:9090.


Because the Critical Stack UI utilizes Dex as its identity provider, enabling SSO is as simple as configuring Dex. We provide several convenient methods for accomplishing this task.


Administrators can configure Dex connectors from the UI by visiting the "SSO Provider" menu under "Settings".

The "Connectors" section allows a user to create, edit, and delete existing connectors.

Note: by default an authproxy connector exists to connect the UI with Dex, which allows local users to download a valid Kubeconfig.

sso connector

When creating a new connector, selecting the type will allow you to enter the relevant configuration data for that type - currently the UI supports creating GitHub, OIDC, and LDAP connectors via form - but more can be added upon request.

Note: when creating a connector through the UI, the redirect URI will be auto-filled. In the case that it needs to be changed, the path used should always be /dex/callback. In almost all cases, the full redirect URI should be <user login URL>/dex/callback.

When more than one connector (excluding the authproxy) is present, the UI login screen will link to Dex's landing page so that a user can choose the desired identity provider - rather than linking to the provider directly.

By right-clicking a connector and choosing "Set as default", it can be made to show up on the login screen even if there are other choices available (avoiding the need for users to visit the Dex landing page). This is accomplished by applying the label to the Connector resource.

Helm Values

Connectors can also be created at the time of chart installation by passing specific values to Helm. The identity.connectors map provides this configuration data, for example:

      name: MyConnector
      type: oidc
        clientID: my_client_id
        clientSecret: my_client_secret
        redirectURI: http://localhost:8000/dex/callback
        default: true
        - added
        - here
      name: GitHub
      type: github
        clientID: my_client_id
        clientSecret: my_client_secret
        redirectURI: http://localhost:8000/dex/callback

The following connector resources (in addition to an authproxy) would be created:

kind: Connector
  name: github
  namespace: critical-stack
  labels: "true"
id: github
name: GitHub
type: github
config: eyJjbGllbnRJRCI6Im15X2NsaWVudF9pZCIsImNsaWVudFNlY3JldCI6Im15X2NsaWVudF9zZWNyZXQiLCJyZWRpcmVjdFVSSSI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAwMC9kZXgvY2FsbGJhY2sifQ==
kind: Connector
  name: my-connector
  namespace: critical-stack
id: my-connector
name: MyConnector
type: oidc
config: eyJhbnlPdGhlckNvbmZpZyI6WyJhZGRlZCIsImhlcmUiXSwiY2xpZW50SUQiOiJteV9jbGllbnRfaWQiLCJjbGllbnRTZWNyZXQiOiJteV9jbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0IiwiaXNzdWVyIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9teS1jb25uZWN0b3IuY29tIiwicmVkaXJlY3RVUkkiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwMDAvZGV4L2NhbGxiYWNrIn0=

Any values in the config property of a connector are directly marshaled to JSON and then base64 encoded.

kube-apiserver OIDC configuration

The kube-apiserver must be configured for OIDC for it to fully leverage the UI-Dex integration. This will allow Kubernetes RBAC to be tied to the OIDC grants returned by Dex.

The following arguments must be set on the kube-apiserver:


If the UI is being served with a non-root-trusted CA certificate (as in the auth-proxy config mentioned above), the CA will also need to be set:


If crit is used to bootstrap the cluster, these arguments can be provided in the crit ControlPlaneConfig as follows:

    oidc-ca-file: /etc/kubernetes/pki/auth-proxy-ca.crt
    oidc-client-id: critical-stack
    oidc-groups-claim: groups
    oidc-issuer-url: "https://<criticalstack-ui-url>/dex"
    oidc-username-claim: email

Check the full kube-apiserver argument reference here for more information.

Replacing Dex


  • configuring a non-default sso provider

Machine API and Worker Management

The Critical Stack UI uses machine-api to manage the lifecycle of worker nodes in the cluster.

When running locally via cinder, machine-api (mapi) and machine-api-provider-docker (mapd) are installed automatically. From the "Nodes" screen, you will have the option to create a new worker node (i.e. a Docker container on your host) which will automatically join the cluster.


  • running with cinder and mapd
    • gif
  • running in aws
  • worker configs
  • dynamic configuration discovery


Integration with the Critical Stack StackApps component.

  • Requirements and Installation
  • Verification/Signing Keys
  • Drift detection
  • StackValues

Planned Features

  • Revision management
  • StackValue configuration

Developer Shell

In addition to providing a shell interface for running pods, the Critical Stack UI enables developers to launch a "developer shell" job quickly and easily - then attach to it. The default container image used is bitnami/kubectl, allowing a user to interact with the cluster directly using familiar tools.


The developer shell is launched, by default, in the current user's "default namespace". The container uses the default Service Account in that namespace. If that service account has no roles bound to it, you will not be able to interact meaningfully with the cluster using the credentials provided by the shell.


A 1Gi persistent volume is created on demand when a user requests their first developer shell. The volume is mounted as /data in the container, and intended to be used for persisting data across sessions (it could make sense to store a user's home directory here).

Planned Features

  • Customized base image
  • Persistent history/home directory storage
  • Choosing service account and role from the UI


Link to developing locally.


Tilt will build the necessary components automatically, but should you feel the need to do it yourself there are a variety of make targets available:

$ make help

  make <target>

  build            Build client and server
  client           Build client code
  client-dev       Dev build of client code
  server           Build the go binary
  manifests        Generate CRD manifests
  image            Build and tag container images
  image-push       Push container images

  cinder           Start and configure a cinder cluster for local development
  cinder-cleanup   Delete the cinder cluster

  test             Run go tests
  vtest            Run go tests with -v
  test-e2e         Run e2e tests
  lint             Lint codebase
  lint-full        Run slower linters to detect possible issues

  clean            Cleanup the project folders
  help             Display this help


Unit Tests

Unit tests focus on individual pieces of logic - a single function - and don’t require any additional services to execute. They are a quick way to get the initial feel on the current implementation, but have the risk of integration bugs slipping through.

Unit tests are currently being developed using go test.

TODO: unit tests (and TESTS env var for focused testing)

  • Setting KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS in makefile (link to kubebuilder book on testing)

Controller Tests

Controller tests are the integration tests for Kubernetes controllers and focus on testing the behavior of an entire controller or the interactions between two or more controllers. The tests run on a test environment using envtest where one or more controllers are configured to run against the test cluster. This will allow the controllers to interact as if they are in a real environment by creating/updating Kubernetes objects and waiting for the controllers to take action.

Controller tests are currently being developed using ginkgo and gomega following the framework set up by Kubebuilder.

End-to-End Tests

End-to-end tests are used to verify that all components are working as expected in a realistic environment.

Currently, end-to-end tests are developed using go test and are placed under ./e2e/ in the repo.

E2E tests will require a local cluster be up and running with all the core Critical Stack components. This may be done using Tilt.

Cypress Tests

Cypress tests are end-to-end tests that use a web browser to simulate user insteraction with the UI.

They can be run inside the ./client/ folder with npx cypress open.

Running Tests

Tests may be run via Tilt or via the command line.

When running tests via Tilt, the Tilt UI can be used:

testing on tilt

The test section will run both the unit tests and the controller tests while the test-e2e section will run the e2e tests. Each section may be rerun by clicking the refresh icon and can be seen by selecting the section in the sidebar.

When running the tests locally through the command line, the following make targets are used:

  • make test : Run all Go unit tests, including Kubernetes controller tests.
  • make test-e2e : Run e2e tests in ./e2e/ on an existing cluster (based on KUBECONFIG).
  • make lint : Run golangci-linter.

Note that when running the e2e tests locally, it needs a local server to be up and running. Whether or not Tilt is used to run the tests, it will still be used to deploy the server before running the tests.


Linting is used to analyze the source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and any suspicious contructs.

golangci is currently used to lint the code.

The linter can be run in the command line by running make lint.


This documentation is generated from markdown using mdbook.

Use the Makefile in the client/ directory to update and view docs.

$ cd client/
$ make build

The appropriate version of mdbook will automatically be installed to ./client/bin/mdbook.

To see a live-reloading preview of changes:

$ make serve

Open localhost:3000 to view your rendered pages.


there are probably some

Directory Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ api         # Kubernetes CRD base types
β”œβ”€β”€ bin         # Built executable binaries
β”œβ”€β”€ chart       # The UI helm chart
β”œβ”€β”€ client      # All client code and built code
β”œβ”€β”€ cmd         # Go main-package code
β”œβ”€β”€ controllers # Controllers for defined CRDs
β”œβ”€β”€ docs        # Markdown documentation
β”œβ”€β”€ e2e         # End-to-end tests
β”œβ”€β”€ hack        # Files used in local development
└── internal    # Internal Go packages

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Ensure that docker is installed and that the docker daemon is running. Your current user must have permission to interact with docker (e.g. you have the docker group).
  • Sometimes you need to start fresh, run make cinder-cleanup to delete your local cinder cluster.

How do I ...?

  • Download A Kubeconfig
    • The dropdown menu to the left of the Critical Stack logo contains a link to download a kubeconfig. See Dex for a visualization of downloading a kubeconfig.
  • Change My Password
    • To change your own password, navigate to the dropdown menu to the left of the Critical Stack logo and select "Settings". From the "User Profile" tab select "Password" and enter your old password and your new password. An administrator can change your password by selecting "Manage Users" in "Settings", right-clicking on your user, and selecting "Reset Password".
  • Change My Default Namespace
    • Navigate to the dropdown menu to the left of the Critical Stack logo and select "Settings". From the "User Profile" tab select "Change Default Namespace" and select your new default namespace from the dropdown menu.
  • Change Section Editor Modes
    • Navigate to the dropdown menu to the left of the Critical Stack logo and select "Settings". Under "User Interface" select "Section Editor". On this screen you can change the editor font size, the editor format (YAML or JSON), and the editor mode (vim or emacs).
  • Change The Default Kubeconfig Template
    • In the critical-stack namespace select Data Center, then navigate to "Config" -> "Config Maps". Right-click on kubeconfig-template and select "Edit".
  • Add Marketplace Applications Directly

Why ...?

  • hack/tools/bin
  • websocket problems