
Deploy the included Helm chart to your Kubernetes cluster:

helm upgrade --install cs ./chart \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace critical-stack

Don't have a cluster handy? Check out cinder 🔥!

The default chart installation depends on Cert Manager being installed to generate certificates. If you'd rather skip this, pass --set tls.enabled=false to Helm.

Visit the UI service endpoint:

$ kubectl get service -n critical-stack cs-ui
cs-ui   NodePort   <none>        8000:30000/TCP   12s

Developing Locally

Skip to the tl;dr?

The Critical Stack UI is best developed with cinder and tilt:

git clone

Note: If you clone the repo into a directory within $GOPATH, make sure that you have $GO111MODULE set to on.


  1. Go 1.14+: to build server code
  2. NodeJS and NPM: to build client code
  3. Docker: for local testing and to build container images
  4. kubectl: for local testing; see the installation guide
  5. Helm 3: see the installation guide


Run the following to install cinder and setup a local development cluster:

make cinder

The required version of cinder will be installed to hack/tools/bin/cinder.

Note: if you would like to provide a different binary, you may set the CINDER variable when calling make:

CINDER=/usr/local/bin/cinder make cinder

The configuration file used by make cinder is hack/cinder.yaml, and the created cluster will be named ui-dev.

Cinder is deployed with the LocalRegistry feature gate enabled, allowing rapid iteration when building container images locally.

In addition, machine-api and machine-api-provider-docker are installed, allowing you to deploy additional worker nodes to your local cluster as Docker containers.

Get Tilt(ed)

curl -fsSL | bash

Note: this will not run on older versions of tilt, make sure to have >= v0.15.0.

Now you're ready to run:

tilt up

Log In

Once Tilt has finished installing resources, you can log in to the UI. By default, the Kubernetes Service attached to the UI deployment listens on nodePort: 30000, meaning it is accessible at http://$(cinder get ip --name ui-dev):30000.

For convenience, cinder is configured with:

- listenAddress:
  hostPort: 8000
  containerPort: 30000
  protocol: TCP

So that you can reach the UI by pointing your browser at http://localhost:8000.

The chart values do not specify a default user, but the Tiltfile does for the purpose of local development. The email address is, and the initial password is admin. See configuration for more detail on changing initial credentials.


It really wasn't that much, but ok.

First time setup:

# install helm
curl | bash
# install tilt
curl -fsSL | bash

Setup your local cluster & start tilt

make cinder
tilt up

Click http://localhost:8000. Log in with email and password admin.