User Management

As mentioned in the design docs, the Critical Stack UI introduces the User resource to represent application users.


Users contain identifying information and some basic metadata:

kind: User
  # unique hash of email address
  name: sy3e5vknpktgkezpehh3rv76v5helr6vgnrm26feoz67stsosg6ef4jbdb2uegk
type: local
active: true
defaultNamespace: critical-stack
username: Cluster Administrator

There are two flavors of user, determined by their type field:

  • local users are created manually and log in with an email and password
  • sso users are created "lazily" on first log in (see SSO) and do not have a password

When Dex authenticates an SSO user (creating the User resource if necessary), it attaches group information obtained from the identity provider. These groups are used for matching role binding subjects when determining user permissions.

Local user passwords are salted and hashed, stored as Secret resources in the critical-stack namespace. Users are given role bindings that allow them to get and modify their own properties for the purpose of changing profile data.


There are multiple ways to create a user. A local user may be created through the UI via the "Manage Users" screen, under "Settings". During the creation process, an administrator can choose to assign a ClusterRole as a convenient way to provide immediate access to the user. If a specific namespace is chosen, the ClusterRole is granted via a RoleBinding in that namespace - otherwise "Cluster Wide" must be checked to indicate that a ClusterRoleBinding will be created.

user creation roles

Any cluster roles with the label will show up as options in this list, giving you a way to add additional "canned" roles to the user creation process. The description is pulled from an annotation named

Once created, all users and any corresponding (cluster) roles and bindings maybe found under "Cluster" > "Access Control".

user creation

The User Custom Resource should not typically be created directly - instead, create a UserRequest which will be reconciled by the users controller (part of the UI deployment).

A simple UserRequest resource might look like:

kind: UserRequest
  # human-readable name
  name: admin
    type: local
    active: true
    defaultNamespace: critical-stack
    username: Cluster Administrator

The UserRequest's .spec.template field will become the properties of the created User object.

One key difference is that the name of the resource need not be a deterministic value derived from the email address. This makes it possible to create resources directly without access to the hashing function used (i.e. from within Helm templates).

In the above example the created user does not have a password set, meaning they will be unable to log in. The UserRequest provides a couple of methods for setting an initial user password:

  • For simple cases like local development, an initial password can be set on the user request itself:
# ...
    value: Winter20
  template: # ...

Note: that this will generate hashed password data from the provided plaintext password on initial user creation. The password text remains in the UserRequest resource, but updating it will not change the created user's password.

Another method is to reference a secret, rather than embedding a plaintext password directly:

# ...
      name: my-initial-password
      namespace: default
      key: ""        # field to read from secret data - if omitted, use the first
      consume: false # if true, remove the secret after generating password data
  template: # ...

The key and consume fields are optional to provide additional flexibility.

A user created via the UI or UserRequest CRD has a default ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding created for them, allowing get, update, and patch actions on their UserRequest resource, as well as get on their User.

To disable this behavior, set .spec.skipUserBindings to true.

Note: all resources created by the UserRequest controller are owned by the UserRequest object - when deleted, the User, password data Secret, and any created RBAC resources will be deleted.


The UserRequest resource has a status subresource which indicates whether the corresponding User has been created by the controller. The .status.user field is the name of the created user resource, while .status.conditions signals if the User is ready. This allows for a process to depend on user creation:

kubectl wait userrequests admin --for condition=Ready

This functionality is used by our automated tests to ensure that a user is available before attempting to log in.

User Fields

The active property indicates whether a user can log in or not, and can be toggled from the user-management screen in the UI:

toggle user active

Users have a default namespace, which will be their "landing page" upon login. From the "Settings" area of the UI, a user can change their default namespace, as well as upload an avatar or reset their password.


See RBAC for an overview of the permission model used throughout the UI.

The access summary screen ("Cluster" > "Access Control" > "Access") displays an overview of User and Group subjects that have bound roles and cluster roles:

access summary

Known users and groups will be listed here. By right-clicking a subject, you can quickly add additional role bindings and cluster role bindings for that subject.

Role Bindings and Cluster Role Bindings

When creating a role binding or a cluster role binding, note that you are not limited to subjects that show up in the selection dropdown - typing a name will allow you to create a new subject:

subject naming

Roles and Cluster Roles

When creating roles and cluster roles, note that you are not limited to the API groups, Resources, and Verbs that show up in their respective selection dropdowns - typing in a new value will allow you to create a new group, resource, or verb.

new values

Also note that when creating a new role, you can either start with selecting an API group and then the resources or by selecting a resource first and then the API group.

create rules

Initial Roles

Initial role bindings will be created on installation depending on the values passed to the UI Helm chart. See configuration for more information.