
The StackRelease is a Namespace scoped custom resource that contains information about the deployment details for an application. If the StackRelease feature is not used the StackRelease is largely a pass through step on and only serves to deploy the AppRevision into its namespace. If the StackRelease feature is toggled on the StackRelease controller will deploy the application into a newly built namespace that is named with the revision and then build the resources necessary to preform a canary deployment and slowly shift traffic into the new namespace from the stable version. The mechanism for this is defined in the StackReleaseConfig( ### link doc), Currently Treafik is the only supported mechanism however service mesh integration is on the roadmap.

The StackRelease will be deployed and managed by the StackApp controller; however relevant diagnostic and monitoring information can be had with introspection. kubectl describe stackRelease <myStackRelease>

kind: StackRelease
  name: demoapp-v1
  appname: demoapp-v1
  apprevision: # nested AppRevision, see AppRevision docs.
  releaseconfig: # nested config for StackRelease. See StackAppConfig docs.

see additional details about the StackRelease here