Stackapps Guide


Critical Stack Applications- StackApps represent the premier, officially supported mechanism for deploying a Kubernetes application into a Critical Stack cluster. The StackApp is intended to be the main representation of a deployment/release of an application, at a particular version, running in the cluster. StackApps are built of kubernetes native resources and kubernetes custom defined resources. They can be interacted with via the Critical Stack UI or the Kubectl command line tool.

StackApps provide the user with a means of representing an entire running application with a single cryptographically signed artifact. This provides a developer friendly means for an application to be moved between environments in a repeatable, verifiable, and auditable fashion.

Once the StackApp has been deployed all interaction with the application is handled via the StackApp, resource ownership insures the state of the application matches the state defined in the StackApp at all times. Any change to the application is achieved by building and modifying the application in a development environment and packaging a new revision. When this new revision is deployed in a QA or Production environment the underlying application is updated to match the state defined in the new revision. This can be accomplished via standard Kubernetes rolling update or our stand alone Canary deployment StackRelease.


StackApps are build from applications running inside a cluster. Currently the premier packaging mechanism is built into the Critical Stack UI; however there is a cli on the roadmap and a StackApp can be built and signed manually via yaml StackApp manifest and the exporting of included resource manifests with kubectl.

Quick Start

Getting it running.

While the StackApps controllers can be run on their own, the Critical Stack UI has been designed with them in mind. In addition the Critical Stack UI is currently the primary way to package a running application into a StackApp.

If you would like to add the UI to your cluster please follow the steps in the UI repository here.

In the case of a local cluster or remote development cluster, the Critical Stack UI and StackApps controllers can be used together. For a production cluster in which applications will be deployed via StackApps the Critical Stack UI is not necessary.

To Install the StackApps Controller please follow the Installation page.

For information on creating, packaging, and signing a StackApp from a running application see the docs here

Deploying an application to a new cluster with StackApps.

Once you have a packaged and exported StackApp you'll need to set up a few things as an administrator in the cluster in which you wish to deploy the StackApp.

  1. Ensure the StackApps controllers and resource definitions are on the target cluster. The Controllers should be running in the critical-stack namespace.
  2. Apply your StackAppsConfig for the application. Details can be found here.
  3. Export the VerificationKey from the key pair that was used to sign the StackApp from the cluster in which it was created. Apply it to the target cluster in the namespace specified in the StackAppsConfig as appnamespace.
  4. Apply the StackApp. The StackApp is a cluster scoped resource, you will not need to specify a namespace. Once the StackApp has been applied allow time for all of the resources to become healthy and check out your application running in its new home!

StackApps Guide

A StackApp is a resource in the Critical Stack cluster which repesents a kubernetes application at a particular version.

The StackApp contains:

  • Metadata about the application
  • A reference to the manifests used to deploy all associated resources
  • Signature details for the manifests

The Critical Stack cluster contains infrastructure that is aware of StackApps. When the StackApp resource is created or modified, the underlying application resources are updated accordingly (assuming that the cluster's configured deployment guarantees are met which may include signing, compatibility checks, etc).

A StackApp may be created from raw kubernetes manifests that already exist (or that are generated from existing source material), or it may be created by encoding selected objects running within a kubernetes cluster namespace (see packaging). The former method (existing manifests) is intended to serve as a bridge for developers with existing kubernetes applications, or those who would like to create their applications using third-party tools. The latter (running resources) is tailored toward developers creating their applications within the Critical Stack "ecosystem" to begin with - e.g. with the aid of CS UI and accompanying tools. The Critical Stack API and UI would provide functionality for selecting running resources for packaging and export into a StackApp.

Once a StackApp has been deployed (or created from components running in the cluster), the CS UI can provide aggregated status information (health checks, metrics data, etc) for StackApps in each namespace. Because this system is fully integrated with the kubernetes API, this information is easily available to other tools such as kubectl without the need for the CS UI to act as an intermediary.

Resources that belong to a StackApp are protected (using kubernetes RBAC permissions) by default. Similarly, all manifests currently or previously referenced by a StackApp are immutable.

Overview diagram


See below for brief descriptions of key terms. Definitions are further expanded by the behavior outlined below.

  • Application: for the purposes of this design, an application refers to a "business application", i.e. the primary workload of a Critical Stack cluster. It may or may not be completely self-contained, and it is likely comprised of several logical components.
  • StackApp: a "Critical Stack Application" (StackApp) encapsulates an application logically. It is responsible for grouping together kubernetes resources and managing their lifecycle - creation, upgrade, rollback, deletion.
  • StackValue: the representation of a secret or an environment specific configuration item within the StackApp
  • Manifests: actual kubernetes-native encoding of application resources. In most cases the manifests would be generated from running resources in a cluster environment, though the initial manifests may come from an existing build artifact.
  • Signer: a signer is an identity that attests to the validity of manifests. The core purpose of signing is to designate readiness for deployment, though a developer or cluster administrator may wish to further differentiate intents; manifests may be signed multiple times and each may indicate something different (i.e. signatures by a developer, a QA tester, a security review, and so on).

StackApps Custom Resources

Resources in the StackApps family are built into the API Group

  • StackAppsConfig Cluster Scoped: The StackAppsConfig should be accessible only by a cluster administrator to maintain separation of dutes and ensure the basic configuration goes through an additional verification layer. The StackAppsConfig containts information used buy all of the controllers in the StackApps family.
  • StackApp Cluster Scoped: The stackApp is the owner of all things StackApps related. It contains information necessary build the application as well as related metadata necessary for verification before installation. Any interaction with an application with the exception of administrator configuration should happen at this level
  • StackRelease Namespaced: The StackRelease contains information pertaining to the current state of the application deployment, changes here precipitate any routing change or change to an underlying application. Only the StackApp controller should be allowed to create or modify a StackRelease; however StackReleases contain valuable status and troubleshooting information and should be use accordingly.
  • AppRevision Namespaced: The AppRevision contains the base information needed to install and manage the application. Much like the StackRelease it should only be created or updated but one of the StackApps controllers, Although it does contain valuable status information that should be used for monitoring and troubleshooting.
  • VerificationKey Cluster Scoped?: The VerificationKey is simply a crd designed to allow Rbac management of the public side of the RSA signing key

Cluster Requirements


Clone the repository and build the dependencies

git clone
cd stackapps

helm dependency update ./chart

Leverage the included helm chart for installation

helm install stackapps ./chart

Developers can utilize tilt (ensure you have tilt and go installed on your system)

tilt up


Configuration of StackApps is handled through a cluster scoped custom resource of KIND StackAppConfig in the API-GROUP and is application specific.

the Spec of the StackAppConfig contains basic configuration for the application and more specific configuration for each StackApps controller.

kind: StackAppConfig
  generation: 1
  name: stackapp-config
  environmentname: dev
  appnamespace: prod-app
  stackapps: #StackApps specific configuration
  stackvalues: #StackValues Specific Configuration
  releases: #StackRelease Specific Configuration 

StackApps Specific Configuration

    enabled: false

This is a switch to disable the StackApps Controllers and currently is not used

StackValues Specific Configuration

    enabled: false
    insecure: false
    tokenName: vault-token
    sources: #array of source configurations

enabled: Currently not implemented.

insecure: uses the hardcoded values provided in annotation form to populate the k8s resources. This is only for testing with non-secure text in a development invironment.

tokenName: the name of the k8s secret that contains the tokens to authenticate to platforms in which secrets and configuration items will be stored.

sources: Array of source configurations. Currently supported source types include artifactory, aws_s3, and vault.

StackValue Sources

        name: myvault
        region: west
        type: vault
        route: "http://vault.external.svc:8200"

name: alais to be used for the source

'region: Aws hosting region, only used if source is equal to aws_s3`

type: type of source

route: url in which source is hosted

StackRelease Configuration

    enabled: true
    backendType: traefik
    ingressPort: 30080
    - canaryWeight: 20
      stepDuration: "1m"
    - canaryWeight: 50
      stepDuration: "1m"
    - canaryWeight: 100 

enabled: Currently not implemented.

backendType: Specifies infrastructrue to use for deployends. Currently traefik is the only supported value. if this field does not exist StackRelease will not be used.

ingressPort: Port in which the application will be exposed.

host: Hostname of the application.

releaseStages: Array of stages the canary controller will step though. canaryWeight is represented in percent and `stepDuration is represented as a time i.e. "60s" is equal to "1m".

this full example yaml file can be found this link that i might put here at some point


The StackApp is the Highest order resource in the StackApps ecosystem, and the only resource a developer (or ci pipeline) needs to interact with. StackApps are immutable and changes should be represented in new revisions.

When a StackApp is bundled it contains two major components. The meat of the StackApp is in the nested AppRevision, the other main component that is a configmap containing a grouping of all of the manifests that make up the application in the form of a configmap. There are additional elements that will be populated on deployment by the StackApps controller.

The manifests are signed on StackApp creation and result is stored in the AppRevision. StackApps are cluster scoped resources, for additional information on AppRevisions see the AppRevision Documentation.

See the details on the StackApp resource here


StackValues are custom resources that replace sensitive data or information that will be specific to an environment. This includes all Kubernetes Secrets and some ConfigMaps. When a StackApp is applied that contains one or more StackValue, the StackValue controller uses the contained metadata as well as information from the StackAppConfig to fetch the value and build the corresponding Kubernetes resource. Currently StackValues can retrieve data from Artifactory, Hashicorp Vault, and Amazon S3. If a StackApp is packaged using the Critical Stack UI Secrets will automatically be replaced and ConfigMaps will be included or replaced based on annotations. If these annotations do not exist the user will be prompted to add them. During the packaging of a StackApp all necessary metadata is gathered from annotations on the resource see annotations here. These annotations on Secrets and any Configmap that will be replaced by a StackValue are necessary before any StackApp can be packaged.

See the details on the StackValues resource here


The StackRelease is a Namespace scoped custom resource that contains information about the deployment details for an application. If the StackRelease feature is not used the StackRelease is largely a pass through step on and only serves to deploy the AppRevision into its namespace. If the StackRelease feature is toggled on the StackRelease controller will deploy the application into a newly built namespace that is named with the revision and then build the resources necessary to preform a canary deployment and slowly shift traffic into the new namespace from the stable version. The mechanism for this is defined in the StackReleaseConfig( ### link doc), Currently Treafik is the only supported mechanism however service mesh integration is on the roadmap.

The StackRelease will be deployed and managed by the StackApp controller; however relevant diagnostic and monitoring information can be had with introspection. kubectl describe stackRelease <myStackRelease>

kind: StackRelease
  name: demoapp-v1
  appname: demoapp-v1
  apprevision: # nested AppRevision, see AppRevision docs.
  releaseconfig: # nested config for StackRelease. See StackAppConfig docs.

see additional details about the StackRelease here


The AppRevision contains the base information needed to install and manage the application. Much like the StackRelease it should only be created or updated but one of the StackApps controllers, Although it does contain valuable status information that should be used for monitoring and troubleshooting.

see the details on the AppRevision resource here

Custom Resources


kind: StackApp
  generation: 1
  name: demoapp-v1
  appRevision: # nested appRevision See appRevision docs.
  majorVersion: 1

StackApp Spec

appRevision: contains details about the application being deployed, see AppRevision Docs.

majorVersion: Major version of the application. This is Necessary because Major Version is using in naming to insure multiple major versions can be run independently

StackApp ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
  manifests: | # note pipe to allow multiline string
kind: ConfigMap
  labels: ignore
  name: demoapp-v1-r1

manifests: list of yaml kubernetes resources separated by the standard ---.


The StackRelease resource is built and managed by the StackApps controller.
It is namespaced and contains the AppRevision that its controller will deploy and the relevant configuration taken from the StackAppConfig.

kind: StackRelease
  name: demoapp-v1
  appname: demoapp-v1
  apprevision: # nested AppRevision, see AppRevision docs.
  releaseconfig: # nested config for StackRelease. See StackAppConfig docs.


StackValue Annotations if true, build StackValue from ConfigMap and omit it from the stackapp. Type of source value will be retrieved from. Should be one of the supported types (Artifactory, Vault, or AWS_S3). Endpoint required to retrieve value. The base URL is defined in the StackAppsConfig. non-Secure value to be used if the StackApp is deployed to a development Cluster.

Example Secret prepared for StackValues

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: demoapp-db-credentials
  annotations: "v1/secret/data/myapp/password" "vault" "password"
  value: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm

Resulting StackValue that will be included in the StackApp

kind: StackValue
  name: demoapp-db-credentials
  insecureVal: password
  name: demoapp-db-credentials
  objectType: Secret
  path: v1/secret/data/myapp/password
  sourceType: vault

When this StackValue is applied to the cluster the StackValue controller will reconcile it into a kubernetes Secret. The Value will be retrieved by an api call to Vault at the URL provided for Vault in the StackAppsConfig at the api endpoint defined in path: above.

Note that this is handled this way because the CI pipeline or developer that apply the StackApp should not have the ability to define an external location for making API calls. Access to the StackAppsConfig should be limited to administrators via RBAC.


kind: AppRevision
  name: demoapp-v1
  appRevisionConfig: #nested from StackAppConfig
  manifests: demoapp-v1-r1
  revision: 1
  signatures: #RSA signature(s)

Getting Started


Using Helm:

$ helm dependency update .
$ helm install stackapps ./chart

Stay tuned for more getting started documentation.


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